

ACC Jobline


From $570.00 /post.

Free plan


Job post duration

60 - 90 days.

Employer branding

Applicant tracking tools

Resume database access

Job distribution


ACC Jobline is a niche job board that advertises a wide range of legal counsel and compliance vacancies throughout the U.S. Thanks to its robust hiring solutions and extended reach via job board partnerships, the platform gives employers access to a niche pool of legal talent.

ACC Jobline's standout features include resume searches, applicant tracking tools, and advanced employer branding. However, the platform is costly compared to some of its competitors, such as LawMatch.


  • Employers can post full-time and part-time legal counsel roles in a range of industries, including HR, healthcare, and tech.
  • ACC Jobline offers multiple job posting plans, as well as bulk posting packages, to suit different hiring needs.
  • Users benefit from a free digital recruitment guide for insights into the market and comprehensive resources.
  • Employers can add a detailed profile page with videos and social links to the site to aid brand awareness.
  • The platform offers an applicant tracking system for users to manage their talent pipeline efficiently.
  • Listings are distributed to a variety of partner job boards, including LinkedIn, for maximum visibility.
  • Employers can search the platform's extensive resume database for suitable candidates.
  • Highlighted jobs are added to the top of search results and to the job seeker home page for increased exposure.
  • Vacancies are sent to ACC members to reach both active and passive candidates.


  • ACC Jobline does not offer a free job posting plan.
  • Compared to other niche job boards, the platform is costly.
  • Listings aren't shared to the site's social media pages.
  • While the ACC is a global organization, the job board caters primarily to U.S. employers and job seekers.


We were unable to find any online reviews of ACC Jobline.










How to Post a Job on ACC Jobline:

$570.00 USD
10 Minutes
How to Post a Job on ACC Jobline:

Six easy steps for posting a job on ACC Jobline.


Posting a job on ACC Jobline.


Go to ACC Jobline's home page.

Go to ACC Jobline's home page.

From the home page, click on "Post a Job" under the top menu bar.


Choose a job posting package.

Choose a job posting package.

Select your preferred job posting plan by clicking on "Add to cart" under the applicable heading.


Create an employer account.

Create an employer account.

On the next page, fill out the online registration form and click on "Register" to proceed.


Add upgrades to your listing.

Add upgrades to your listing.

Peruse the available upgrades and tick the boxes of any you'd like to purchase. Review your order to ensure you've selected the correct job posting plan, and click on "Proceed to Checkout."


Pay for your job post.

Pay for your job post.

Add your billing and payment information to the online form, and click on "Place Order" to complete your purchase.


Create and post your listing.

Create and post your listing.

Once your payment has been processed, you'll be able to create and post your vacancy from your dashboard.

ACC Jobline vs. LawMatch:

ACC Jobline and LawMatch both offer job distribution and access to a resume database, but the former is the more feature-rich choice, with applicant tracking tools and advanced employer branding available. However, LawMatch charges significantly less than ACC Jobline for a basic listing and features social media promotion.

ACC Jobline vs. GoInHouse:

Similar to ACC Jobline, GoInHouse advertises legal counsel roles and offers 60-day job posts. While ACC Jobline charges $570.00 for a basic listing, GoInHouse's pricing starts from $250.00 per job post. Of the two, ACC Jobline is the more feature-rich option, with applicant tracking tools, resume searches, and job distribution on offer.

ACC Jobline vs. Indeed:

Indeed is a popular job board that advertises a wide range of general vacancies. In comparison, ACC Jobline primarily lists legal counsel roles and gives employers access to a more niche pool of talent. Both platforms offer resume searches, but only Indeed features a free job posting plan and candidate messaging tools.

Key Information

Legal Name

Association of Corporate Counsel

Founding Date

Apr 14, 1982


1001 G St. NW, Ste. 300W, Washington, DC 20001



1 (888) 995-2244



What is ACC Jobline?

ACC Jobline is the official job board of the Association of Corporate Counsel and advertises a wide variety of legal counsel roles throughout the U.S.

What does it cost to post a job on ACC Jobline?

ACC Jobline's pricing starts from $570.00 for a basic listing.

How do I create an account on ACC Jobline?

  1. Navigate to ACC Jobline's home page and click on "Register."
  2. Select "Employers" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Fill out the online registration form and click on "Register."

How do I delete a job post on ACC Jobline?

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Click on "Manage Jobs" and select "Your Jobs" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Filter for your active posts and select the one you'd like to remove.
  4. Click on "Archive" to remove the listing from the job board.

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