Attendance Policy Template Download

Attendance Policy Template Download

Download this attendance policy template in Word, and quickly customize it to work for your business. Instant download, no email required.

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Employee Attendance Policy Template:

1. Overview.

Employees at [company name] are expected to be present for work, on time, every day. Regular attendance and punctuality are important to keep your team and [company name] operating. Arriving late, being tardy, or absence causes disruptions.

2. Calculation of attendance infractions.

  • Absent with calls: 1 point.
  • Absent, no call: 2 points.
  • Tardy: ½ point.
  • Early departure: ½ point.
  • Late return from lunch or break: 1 point (over 30 minutes).

Employees are given a five minute grace period at the start and end of each scheduled shift and for breaks and for lunch. Employees are required to report an absence by [procedure for reporting an absence]. Employees must report each day they are absent. Failure to call-off one hour prior to a shift will result in a no call-no show.

Attendance infractions reset every [length time or dates on which employee attendance infractions reset. Typically 6 months or 1 year].

3. Overview of disciplinary action for attendance infractions.

Attendance issues will result in progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination based on the following point system:

  • 3 points: Verbal warning.
  • 4 points: Written warning.
  • 5 points: Meeting with manager/supervisor, possible suspension.
  • 6 points: Employee is subject to termination.

If an employee is absent for three or more consecutive days, evidence for excusing the absence, such as a doctor’s note, must be provided.

If an employee is a no call-no show for three or more consecutive days it will be considered a job abandonment, or termination without notice.

Employees may request exceptions for work absences from human resources and management. These must be approved on a case-by-case basis.

4. Excused, unpaid absences without disciplinary action.

Excused, unpaid absences can be granted for funerals, jury duty, bereavement, childbirth, a car accident, medical appointment, and unavoidable emergencies. In these cases, employees must provide documentation to prove a reason for the absence.

5. Failure to clock-In or clock-out.

Employees must clock-in and clock-out for each shift. If there is any problem recording a clock-in or clock-out, inform employees should inform a manager immediately. Employees who consistently fail to clock-in or clock-out may receive disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

6. Attendance policy exceptions.

Absence because of bereavement, jury duty, or military duty, are exempt from disciplinary action, as are FMLA and ADA related absences. Bereavement, jury duty and military exemptions require proper documentation to be given to a manager within 48 hours of the absence.

Employee Handbook

Free template download and answers to frequently asked questions.


What is a good attendance policy?

A good attendance policy includes all guidelines regarding taking leave, tardiness, early outs and no shows. The policy should be detailed and list all the repercussions for poor attendance.

What is a "no-fault" attendance policy?

With a no-fault policy, employees are granted a certain amount of leave and they accumulate points each time they use it. When the points limit has been reached, the employee either has no leave left or must be terminated if he or she continues to be absent.

How do you create an attendance policy?

  • Clearly outline expectations.
  • Explain paid vs. unpaid time off.
  • Develop a disciplinary policy.
  • Get adherence from your employees.
  • Lead by example.

What is the purpose of an attendance policy?

The purpose of an attendance policy is to highlight the importance of employees being present for work on time, every day. Employees must be aware that regular attendance and punctuality optimizes productivity and any deviation will result in lower productivity levels that will cost the company money.

How can employee attendance problems be improved?

  • Monitor leave days.
  • Set expectations.
  • Invigorate morale and engagement.
  • Reduce sick leave.
  • Regularly converse with employees.
  • Train management/supervisors.

What are the usual guidelines for employee attendance and absenteeism?

Employees are expected to be present for work, on time, every day. Regular attendance and punctuality are important for the smooth operation of your team and the company as a whole. Arriving late, being tardy, and absenteeism cause disruptions and burden colleagues.

How does the attendance policy point system work?

Employees receive points for each absence that is not exempt under law. Employees may receive 1 point for tardiness of less than 10 minutes and 2 points for leaving less than an hour early. Different amounts of point result in disciplinary action, up to termination. Points usually reset annually.

What is an attendance occurrence?

An attendance occurrence is any documented instance when an employee was either late or absent for a scheduled shift.

Where can we incorporate our company's attendance policy?

Your attendance policy should be included in your employee handbook.

How many absences are considered excessive?

If an employee has three or more unexcused absences in any 90 day period, this is seen as excessive absenteeism.

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