How to Find Employees:

$1,980.00 AUD
2 Months
How to Find Employees:

We're going to show you step by step how to get a lot more applicants for any job with unique, proven tips so that you're not just filling positions; you're filling them with the best possible people.


Write better job posts.


Sell the job.

Sell the job.

Many employers make the mistake of listing the qualifications and requirements for a job in a posting and leaving it at that. In a competitive job market, you need to write job posts that sell your jobs.

  • Write simply and realistically, avoiding the overuse of jargon, buzzwords, and cliches.
  • Provide a detailed summary of the key responsibilities employees should expect on the job. If there is an uneven distribution of responsibilities, you should make it clear which are the important ones.
  • Use a clear, unambiguous job title.
  • Specify the salary or salary range. High-quality candidates typically know exactly what they want, so stating the figures can help attract them.
  • Use between 700 and 1,000 words.
  • Discuss the company's goals and strategic mission. Be sure to tell the potential employees how they can grow their career with your company.

Try not to list more than seven responsibilities in your job description, as 69% of Australians are deterred by this.


Create an eye-catching title.

Create an eye-catching title.

Think of the title of your job post as a headline. Include details that grab attention — essentially, the best things about the job. For example, in a cashier job description, you may highlight competitive pay, healthcare benefits, two weeks' vacation, and more. Look at your offerings, see where you're better than average, and put that in the title.


Include more attractive details in the body.

Include more attractive details in the body.

Before you get to the requirements and duties, include more details about why people would want to work for you. Do you have a team that people will be excited to mentor with? Are there specific aspects of your work culture that people love? Do you have best-in-class equipment they'll use? Put what makes your company great in the first few paragraphs.

Make sure your brand identity shines through in your job posting.

Try to determine which aspects of your company and/or the advertised vacancy potential candidates would be most interested in. Growth opportunities, flexible hours, and a workplace culture where employees' health is prioritized are examples of good selling points.


Post your job to the right boards.


Post to free job boards.

Post to free job boards.

Start by posting to general free job posting sites such as Indeed. Despite being totally free, these sites still have a lot of value, and can bring in a large number of candidates. See our list of free job posting sites for more places to post free.


Target niche job boards.

Target niche job boards.

If you aren't having any luck with general job boards, try listing your position on industry-specific sites, such as healthcare job boards, IT and tech job boards, or remote job boards. This way, your ad will be placed in direct contact with candidates already experienced in your field.

Advertise on physical job boards.

Sticking flyers and posters on noticeboards is still an effective way to reach local job seekers. Traditional job boards often found at community centers or educational institutions can help you target potential candidates in your immediate vicinity.


Establish a sustainable candidate pool.


Create relationships with universities.

Create relationships with universities.

Universities commonly partner with businesses as part of their career services program. They regularly host events, such as career fairs, where companies set up booths and have talks and exhibits. Contact local universities and colleges to set up a partnership with them to ensure that you have access to the best prospects entering the workplace.

Some universities even advertise on their college newspapers or website, so you'd want their students to find you there.


Ask existing employees for referrals.

Ask existing employees for referrals.

Approach your best employees and ask them who their favorite colleagues were at previous jobs, then try to win these people over. Your current staff members may also know people they studied with or met at professional networking events that would be a great fit for the job. Get the details of these prospective candidates and set up interviews.

Employee referrals tend to boost morale as well as retention rates, and they are often less costly than other advertising methods.


Create an employee referral program.

Create an employee referral program.

Offering rewards to current employees is a great way to ensure your vacancies are filled with the best talent. Set up an employee referral policy to get started.


Source candidates through nonprofit organizations.

Source candidates through nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofits are fantastic places to find job seekers who are hardworking, dedicated, and reliable. These organizations typically perform background checks on anyone working for them, which gives you further peace of mind that you're hiring responsible individuals.


How do I find good employees?

  1. Post jobs to your company website.
  2. Post available jobs to social media and ask employees to share.
  3. Post to every free job posting site you can find.
  4. Talk to local universities and ask them to put the word out.
  5. Get in contact with recruiters or staffing agencies.
  6. Post "Help Wanted" flyers in places where employees hang out.
  7. Put the word out to current employees that you're hiring.

How do I find the right employee?

To find good employees, try talking to your best hires. Find out how they found you. See if they have any referrals — people they would enjoy working with. Test many different venues for posting your jobs and see if one of them brings better people. Also, develop a screening process.

What are some great places to find employees online?

How do you attract employees?

  1. Offer great incentives.
  2. Create an attractive company culture.
  3. Use social media to promote your company's culture, vision, and mission.
  4. Advertise in imaginative ways.
  5. Personalize your recruitment processes and communications.
  6. Use your current employees to promote your company.
  7. Do good in the community.

How do small businesses hire good employees?

  1. Get leads from your top hires by asking about their favorite past co-workers.
  2. Write job posts that sell the position.
  3. Maintain a database of candidates you may want to hire in the future.
  4. Use Facebook ads and "We Are Hiring" images to target great candidates.
  5. Make it easy for employees to share job openings on social media.
  6. Post your jobs on the right job boards.
  7. Post your jobs in multiple locations.

What is the best way to find employees?

The best way to find employees is to test multiple recruiting strategies and see what works for your company. You may try posting to Indeed and other job boards, checking with career centers at nearby universities, posting jobs on social media, and posting "Help Wanted" flyers.

What is the best place to find employees online?

How can I ensure that highly qualified candidates get to apply to my vacancies?

Get potential employees to apply at your company by writing job postings that sell them on your position. Focus on all the best reasons they should work at your company, and limit qualifications and requirements only to the most essential.

Where can I go and look for good employees?

  1. Ask where your best employees found you, and be sure to post jobs there.
  2. Ask your best employees who they most enjoyed working with at previous jobs and get in touch.
  3. Post on multiple job boards to make sure your jobs reach a lot of potential applicants.
  4. Use social media to reach passive candidates.

What should I do to employ highly qualified candidates successfully?

  1. Try lots of different places to advertise your jobs.
  2. Put the word out with existing employees.
  3. Write a job posting that focuses on why good candidates should work for you.
  4. Ask applicants to answer five tough questions about the job in writing to screen them.
  5. Do 15-minute phone interviews to screen further.
  6. Ask the top candidates to take a paid test of their abilities.
  7. Have the final candidates do a 1-week trial before making a final

What is the best way to hire employees if I've never done it?

  1. Advertise your positions on several job boards, like Indeed, that get high traffic.
  2. Ask current employees for referrals.
  3. Check with local resources, such as universities and state job services.
  4. Write a really good job description that focuses on why great people should work for you.
  5. Have applicants answer five tough questions about the job in writing; this will screen low-quality ones.
  6. Do a short interview by phone.
  7. Be sure to check that their salary expectations are reasonable; ask what they make and what they expect.
  8. Do a paid trial before making a final decision.

What's your take on how I could find workers within a rural area?

Many people wonder how to find staff, especially skilled workers, in a sparsely populated area. Try advertising in the closest cities, find out if there are universities that local students go to and target them with Facebook ads. You can also create nationwide ads that focus on the reasons to move to your area.

What are some tips for finding qualified candidates without posting my vacancy online?

  • Search for employees by using sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Wellfound to browse resumes.
  • Some job sites, such as Craigslist, offer free resume searches.
  • Try to get referrals from existing employees, which saves you the trouble of looking for new employees by yourself.

What are the best ways to recruit employees for jobs I'm not an expert in?

  1. Know exactly what tasks you need the person to perform.
  2. If you have employees who know the job, get them involved.
  3. Talk to agencies and get their opinion on how the job would be done and which skills are needed.
  4. Look for people who have done very similar work before, and test them by having them do a paid work sample.
  5. Hire a freelancer for the position and learn more about the job from them.
  6. Outsource the work to an agency or small company.
  7. Try to find industry experts in your network and ask them for recruitment tips. If possible, get them to review one or two of your applications or even sit in on an interview.

Do you have tips on how to find an employee fit to work in a demanding environment?

  1. Check the candidate's work history.
  2. Question them about what their most demanding job was, and ask them to describe why it was demanding and how they dealt with it.
  3. Ask them to complete a tough task (paid) before hiring them.

How do I find good hourly employees?

  1. Establish an employee referral program.
  2. Share your job postings on trusted networks such as Facebook.
  3. Post your jobs to general job boards.
  4. Host career fairs and open houses.
  5. Print flyers and posters and use them to advertise vacancies at local stores, universities, schools, community colleges and centers, libraries, and more.

How do I find the employee I really want?

  1. Google for the job title you are hiring for.
  2. Click on the top job board results.
  3. Check a few job posts and see if they are relevant.
  4. Check that the job board categories match your industry.
  5. Consider the cost of posting and balance that against your budget.
  6. Test out one job post using the cheapest job posting method.
  7. If candidate quality and quantity are good, then continue posting.

What is the best way to hire staff for free?

Talk to all of your very best hires and ask them who the best people they worked with were and where those people work now. Get in touch with their former favorite co-workers and make them offers, and you can essentially duplicate your best hires.

If you do have money to spend on hiring, then a free online job posting site may not be the best place to start. Consider using a paid job board that is specifically focused on your location or candidates and then try a free job post.

What are the best places to find employees online?

How do I find someone looking for a job?

  • Post your job(s) on your website and social media pages.
  • Post your job to a general job board or niche job posting site.
  • Conduct a resume search and contact individuals that meet your requirements.

How do I find local employees?

Try posting your vacancies in spaces that receive lots of foot traffic, such as supermarkets, train stations, universities, colleges, and other similar places. Using online job boards is also a great way to find local employees, but be sure to mention that preference will be given to job seekers in the vicinity.

How can I find employees for free?

  • Post your job ads on free job posting sites.
  • Share your vacancies on social media groups and networks.
  • Create a clear and concise job posting that will attract many candidates.
  • Ask for referrals within your personal and professional networks.
  • Maintain a database of quality candidates that can be contacted at any time.
  • Host open houses and attend career days to network with potential candidates.
  • Establish relationships with universities, schools, and community colleges.

How do I hire employees?

  1. Screen candidates by having them answer tough questions in writing before interviews.
  2. Use a phone interview to further screen.
  3. Have them do a paid trial before becoming a full employee.

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