
Users can post jobs on SimplyHired's Australian page through its partner site Indeed and can either publish a free job posting or pay for a sponsored listing.

To help you decide how much to spend, an estimator tool will give you an idea of how many applications you can expect. The higher your budget, the more applications you will attract.


SimplyHired is a general job aggregator that features country-specific pages, including one for Australia. The platform gathers job postings from local affiliated sites and users can post to the job board via its partner platform Indeed. Free job posts and listing distribution make it an attractive option for Australian employers.

Through Indeed, SimplyHired offers some great features, such as applicant management, job description tools, and a salary estimator. Despite negative reviews from U.S. customers, it is still a competitive option for recruiting in Australia. However, it does not attract as much traffic as leading local sites, such as SEEK and Workforce Australia.


  • The site features resources that help employers craft effective job descriptions.
  • SimplyHired offers a selection of useful features and services, including applicant tracking and management services.
  • The site has a country-specific page for Australia.
  • The platform collects postings from third-party sites and shares them for increased visibility.
  • SimplyHired is more affordable than Australia's leading job board SEEK.


  • SimplyHired does not offer locally-based or Australia-specific customer support or resources.
  • The site has received many negative customer reviews. These are, however, mostly from U.S. users.
  • Top local job boards like Workforce Australia and Jora attract more monthly page visits than SimplyHired's Australian site.


On Trustpilot, SimplyHired has over 130 customer reviews with an average rating of 2.1 out of 5 stars. Many of the customer complaints seem to focus on a lack of customer support.

SimplyHired vs. SEEK:

In terms of traffic received from Australia, SimplyHired doesn't have the same local reach as SEEK. SimplyHired also doesn't host a resume database, which SEEK does. Although SEEK is one of the most popular job boards in Australia, it is also among the more expensive ones, making SimplyHired the better option if you're on a tight budget.

SimplyHired vs. Adzuna:

SimplyHired and Adzuna both advertise local and global general vacancies. While SimplyHired offers a free job posting service, Adzuna's standard listing costs A$149.00 + GST. Both platforms offer employer branding and an applicant tracking system but lack resume searches. Adzuna, however, is the more popular option for local hiring.

SimplyHired vs. CareerOne:

Like SimplyHired's Australian page, CareerOne also allows for free job postings. Unlike SimplyHired, CareerOne is not a global job board and caters specifically to the Australian market. Both offer a range of useful features, including applicant tracking and distribution to other job sites. Both are great cost-effective options.

Key Information

Legal Name

SH Inc.


Gautam Godhwani

Founding Date

Jan 01, 2003


525 Almanor Avenue, Suite 100, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA


0011 1 (408) 400-4770



What is SimplyHired?

SimplyHired is an international job aggregator that features country-specific pages for different regions, including one for Australia.

Are SimplyHired and Indeed the same?

In 2016, Recruit Holdings, the Japan-based group that owns, acquired SimplyHired, but the platform still operates as a separate job search destination.

How can I create a SimplyHired account?

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Sign In / Create Account" in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. You can then use social login (either Facebook or Google) to register with SimplyHired.

How do I find the best freelancers on SimplyHired?

Always be very specific about job requirements when you post an ad. SimplyHired casts its nets wide, so you will get freelancers with varying skills and abilities applying. It is then up to you to employ your skills, resources, knowledge, and discretion to select the best of the bunch.

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