An example of a stand down letter for employees.

Stand Down Letter due to COVID-19:

Use this template in Microsoft Word to create your own coronavirus stand down letter for employees.

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Sample Stand Down Letter Due to COVID-19:

[Employee’s name] [Employee’s address]

[Business name] [Business address]

Notification of Stand Down

Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Name], [Date]

As you are aware, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on all of the businesses in our region. Due to this situation, we regret to inform you that your employment will be stood down temporarily as your work cannot be done safely while the coronavirus is spreading.

This stand down is effective immediately, and we anticipate that it will last until [date]. As per the Fair Work Act, your stand down will be unpaid. However, if you wish to access some of your annual leave during this time, you are welcome to do so.

I want to emphasize that this stand down is temporary and that, while it is unfortunate, we look forward to your return when we are able to resume business.

Please sign and return this letter as soon as possible. A copy can be made for your records if you wish.


Employer Signature

Employee Signature


Do I have to stand down employees due to COVID-19?

No, there are a number of options worth exploring before you begin to stand down employees. These include allowing them to take paid annual leave for the period in question, seeing whether or not they are able to work from home, or repositioning them in the organization. Read the Fair Work Ombudsman's stand down checklist before asking employees to stand down.

Can I stand down employees due to COVID-19 shutdowns?

Yes, you may stand down workers if you've been ordered by the government to cease operations due to the coronavirus outbreak, or a lack of supply that you as the employer cannot be held responsible for is forcing your business to shut down.

What is the difference between a stand down and a shut down?

A stand down is when an employee is asked to stop working temporarily for a number of reasons, whereas a shut down is when a business closes briefly for slower periods of the year such as the festive season.

How do I write a stand down letter due to COVID-19?

  1. Start with the employee's name and address, followed by your business's name and address.
  2. Title the letter: "Notification of Stand Down."
  3. Explain the situation in the first paragraph and inform the employee that they've been stood down.
  4. In the second paragraph, discuss how long the stand down will last, when it will begin, and whether it will or will not include pay. Explain to the employee what options they have in terms of accessing paid leave.
  5. Try to close the letter on a positive note, letting the employee know their jobs are secure for when business starts off again.
  6. Give the employee space to sign the letter.
  7. Sign the letter as the employer.

How do I stand down an employee due to COVID-19?

A stand down letter is the standard way for standing down an employee. A stand down letter due to COVID-19 template will help you to write a professional letter.

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