
Travel Daily does not list any job posting prices on their website. For pricing information, contact Travel Daily and request a quote.


Travel Daily's job board allows employers to promote their job vacancies to a targeted local audience of professionals in the travel sector. While the site does not make pricing readily available online, they mention that job ad costs depend on the size of the ad in their newsletter, and that job ads are added to the online job board for two weeks.

Aside from the option to include a company logo in the job ad and the complimentary proofing of the ad, Travel Daily does not offer any other features to aid employers in their hiring efforts. Despite its lack of features, Travel Daily may still be a useful option for targeted hiring, given its niche market access.


  • Travel Daily reaches a highly targeted audience of travel professionals through its newsletter.
  • Job ads placed in the newsletter are included on Travel Daily's online job board for two weeks.
  • Job ads include a company logo to aid employer branding.
  • Travel Daily provides complimentary proofing of ads when providing a quote.
  • The cost of ads depends on their size in the newsletter, offering some flexibility with regard to budget.


  • There is no free job posting plan.
  • Employers cannot post a job ad online only but must purchase an ad in the newsletter.
  • The site does not offer any additional hiring tools, such as an online posting process, featured ads, or applicant tracking.


We were unable to find any online reviews of Travel Daily's job board.

Travel Daily Jobs vs. Workabout Australia:

Unlike Travel Daily's job board, which doesn't list pricing details online, Workabout Australia makes this information available on its website. Workabout Australia is a membership-based platform, and to make use of the site's job posting service, employers must sign up for an annual membership costing A$175.00, which includes unlimited job ads.

Travel Daily Jobs vs. Backpacker Job Board:

With a free job posting plan, Backpacker Job Board stands out as the more affordable option compared to Travel Daily's job board, which does not mention specific rates but indicates that they only offer a paid service. Backpacker Job Board also offers paid plans, starting at A$30.00 +GST per post, as well as featured ads and online tools.

Travel Daily Jobs vs. Jobs Backpacker:

Travel Daily's job board and Jobs Backpacker both lack candidate management tools and resume searches. While Travel Daily's pricing is not readily available online, Jobs Backpacker lists pricing online, offering a free plan and paid options starting at A$9.99 per post. Unlike Travel Daily, Jobs Backpacker offers a priority listing option.

Key Information

Legal Name

Travel Daily

Founding Date

Jan 01, 1994


Ste. 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd., Macquarie Park, NSW 2113



01300 799-220



What does it cost to post a job on Daily Travel Jobs?

Daily Travel does not disclose pricing on their website, contact the company for more information.

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