Interview Questions for Customer Service Specialists:

1. Can you tell me about your experience in customer service?

Assesses the level of expertise and reveals potential strengths and weaknesses.

2. A customer is angry about a defective product. How do you diffuse the situation?

Tests the ability to respond appropriately under pressure, and also reveals the techniques used to deal with angry customers.

3. Think of a time you received bad customer support. What could they have changed?

Demonstrates an understanding of what constitutes good customer service. Also tests the ability to find solutions to problems.

4. A customer gives you a poor customer service rating. How do you respond?

Illustrates the willingness to embrace learning opportunities and the ability to respond appropriately to negative feedback.

5. What makes you a good brand ambassador for [insert the name of the company]?

Reveals knowledge of products/services and the company. May also reveal the overall preparedness for the role.

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