Download a Sample Employment Verification Letter:
Download a free printable employment verification letter template in Word format.
Download NowEmployment Verification Letter Sample:
[List their contact information and the date]
[Insert applicant name] has applied for employment with [insert company name], and [he/she] listed your company as part of their employment history. We respectfully request your assistance verifying some of the details that were provided on [insert applicant name]’s resume.
- What dates did [insert applicant name] work for your company?
- What [is/was] their job title?
- What [is/was] their annual salary?
- Would you rehire [insert applicant name]?
- Did [insert applicant name] adhere to company policies?
- Is there any other information you can provide about [insert applicant name]'s job performance?
- If [he/she] is currently employed by your company, has [he/she] turned in a resignation letter?
Thank you in advance for a prompt response! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
[List your name, title, and contact information]
Addition to the employment verification sample.
Some companies won’t release information without a signed consent form from their current or former employee. You can add this to the employment verification letter template.
Under the first paragraph and before the list of employment verification questions in the employment letter sample, simply insert the following sentence:
"[Insert handwritten name] hereby gives permission for this information to be shared."
Include a spot for the applicant to sign and date the form underneath this statement. It’s best to have them hand write their own name as well.
If you will be emailing copies of the employment verification form to their current or previous employers, you’ll only need them to fill out one form. Getting this paperwork signed by each candidate should be part of the in-person application and interview process.
How to Respond to a Letter:

Knowing how to get the information you need from other employers is just as important as knowing how to answer a request for a letter of employment verification.
Responding to an Employment Verification Request Letter.
Know your company's policy.

Do they allow you to fill out a form that’s been faxed or mailed over, or do you need to respond with your own form? Are you allowed to reply at all? Are there certain things you’re not allowed to say?
Know before you answer.
Stick to facts, don't give opinions.

If you’re able to fill out the form you receive, give information that is verifiable. No opinions should be provided on the form.
This may seem unfair if you’ve chosen to ask for opinions on your employment verification letter template. However, it’s imperative that you don’t get yourself or your company into any legal trouble with your answers.
Don't send documentation.

No matter what, never provide another company with documentation, such as a copy of the employee’s personnel records or termination letter. Doing this could easily lead to a lawsuit.
Employment verification for H1B employees.
If your company has employed someone with an H1B visa, it may be required to provide employment verification to the federal government. See our employment verification template for an H1B employee below.
Employment Verification Template for the H1B employee:
[Insert applicable government contact information and date]
This letter certifies that [insert name] is employed at [insert company name] and holds the position of [insert position]. His/her current gross salary is [insert salary] USD per year/month/week. He/she is a [insert full or part]-time employee.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our human resources department at [insert number].
[Insert name and contact information]