Expense reimbursement form template

Expense Reimbursement Form Template

Create your own expense reimbursement form in minutes using this free MS Word template.

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How to Complete an Expense Reimbursement Form:

1. Add personal information.

Include your full name, employee identification number (if applicable), department, and any other appropriate information that is required in the form so that the recipient will know who to remit the reimbursement to.

2. Enter purchase details.

Reimbursement forms typically ask for details like the date of purchase, a brief description of what was paid for, and the total. List each item individually if you have more than one.

3. Sign the form.

Sign and date the bottom of the form. By adding your signature, you are certifying that the information you've added to the form is accurate and reflects actual business expenses that you paid for using your own funds.

4. Attach receipts.

Attach purchase receipts for each item listed on the form. Your receipts are proof that you did in fact pay for the expenses that you're claiming on the form. A full reimbursement may not be possible without the proper receipts.

5. Submit to the management or accounting department.

Submit the form and receipts to your manager or to the appropriate party, such as the accounting department, as soon as possible. Many companies only accept reimbursement requests within 30 days of the original expense, so always submit your reimbursement expense form right away.

Why Expense Reimbursement Forms are Important:

In almost every business, there will be instances where employees need to pay for expenses out of their own pockets. This is especially common for employees who travel to conferences, meetings, and off-site work locations. Having an expense reimbursement form helps to ensure that these employees are not left covering these expenses for themselves.

More importantly, expense reimbursement forms create documentation that strengthens your accounting records and protects against fraud. If any discrepancies are found between the amount reimbursed and the amount actually spent, the form can be used as a point of reference to see what was claimed and what was paid.

Expense reimbursement forms are a standard part of any expense reimbursement policy and they will help you to avoid under or overpaying employees for work-related expenses.

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How do I make a reimbursement form?

You can use our template to create a customized reimbursement form in minutes.

How do I write a letter of reimbursement?

If your company does not have an expense reimbursement form that you can submit, you can write a short letter that states how much money you spent, what the money was spent on, and your desire to be reimbursed for the expense. Be sure to include the date(s) of the expenditure.

What is an expense claim form?

An expense claim form is the same as an expense reimbursement form - it is simply a form that documents business expenses that an employee must be reimbursed for.

How do I fill out a reimbursement expense receipt?

Complete your company's expense reimbursement form by including an itemized list of expenses with totals. Next, attach a receipt for each item to the form and submit it to your manager or through your company's online portal.

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