Top Sites to Hire a PHP Developer:

01. LaraJobs

From $299.00 /post.

02. Upwork

Free and paid options.

03. HackerEarth

From $169.00 /mo.**

04. Authentic Jobs

From $149.00 /mo.

05. Freelancer


06. We Work Remotely

$299.00 /post.

07. Indeed

Free and paid options.

08. Google for Jobs


*Companies may offer discounted rates for monthly, annual, and bulk packages.

**Billed annually.

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How much does it cost to hire a PHP developer?

PHP freelancers typically charge between $60.00 and $80.00 per hour. For long-term projects, hiring a full-time PHP developer might be a better option for you. Full-time PHP developers earn an average of $60,000 per annum.

Are there specific websites for finding PHP freelancers?

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