Internal Promotion Announcement Email Template

Internal Promotion Announcement Email Template

Use our MS Word template to quickly and easily craft an internal promotion announcement email.

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Internal Promotion Announcement Email Example:

Subject Line: Welcoming [Employee’s Full Name] to [Department Name]

Hi all,

I’m excited to announce the promotion of [employee’s full name] to the [name] department as our new [job title]! [His/Her] first day in [his/her] new position will be [date].

In the past [number] years, [employee’s first name] has accomplished great things in [previous department]. [He/she] has [list accomplishments]. Now, [employee’s first name] will be bringing [his/her] expertise to our [new department] to [list responsibilities].

If you have any questions about [employee’s first name]’s new role and how it will affect your working relationship, please don’t hesitate to contact [me/HR representative’s name].

I hope you’ll join me in wishing [employee’s first name] the best of luck and welcoming [him/her] to [his/her] new role!

[Your name]

Things to Include in an Internal Promotion Announcement Email:

  • The name of the employee being promoted.
  • The employee's previous role and how long the employee has worked in that role, if desired.
  • The employee's new role and the responsibilities of that role.
  • When the employee will start their new role.
  • A summary of the employee's top achievements and accomplishments to explain the reason for the promotion.
  • A congratulatory statement with an invitation for the rest of your employees to offer their congratulations and best wishes to the promoted employee.


How do you announce an internal promotion?

If you have a smaller company, you may choose to announce promotions during meetings when all employees are present. If you have a larger company, you may want to use an internal promotion announcement email.

How do I share news of a promotion?

  • Invite the employee you want to promote into your office for a face-to-face meeting and share the news with them.
  • Inform the former and new supervisors of the promotion.
  • Make an internal announcement to inform all employees of the promotion. This can be done in person or via email or office memo.
  • If the promotion will affect clients or shareholders, make an external announcement, and share the news on your company's web page and social media platforms.

How do you write a promotion announcement for an employee?

  1. Decide whether to make the announcement via email or office memo.
  2. Address your staff members.
  3. Introduce the promoted employee and note their previous position.
  4. Briefly describe the promoted employee's new role and responsibilities.
  5. Explain the reason for the promotion.
  6. Congratulate the employee and invite the rest of the staff to do the same.

Should promotions be announced?

Yes. Announcing promotions tells your employees that you value dedication and hard work. Done right, it can also quell any feelings of jealousy and resentment among the workforce.

What do you say when you promote someone?

Offer your congratulations to the promoted employee and explain their new role and responsibilities. Let them know what their new salary will be and who they will be working with. You may want to offer your employee the option of accepting the promotion or not, particularly if it means relocating, either to a new department or to another branch.

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