Employee Appreciation Letter Template

Employee Appreciation Letter Template:

Download our free employee appreciation letter template in Microsoft Word format.

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Tips for Writing an Employee Appreciation Letter:

1. Be specific.

Whether you are writing a thank you note to your employee for something they did recently, or a letter of appreciation for their hard work, be specific about what they have done that has impressed you. Include examples of how their professionalism or work ethic has been demonstrated.

2. Address the employee by name.

The last thing that you want is for your employee appreciation/thank you notes to sound like a boilerplate memo that was sent out to the whole office. Addressing your employee by name throughout the letter adds a personal touch.

3. Look to the future.

Just as you should emphasize the employee's achievements, you should also express your excitement for what they will accomplish in the future.

4. Sign the letter by hand.

It's okay to type a letter up and print it off, but always affix a real signature. Again, this is a personal touch and shows your employee that they aren't receiving a generic thank you note that was written by your secretary.

5. Use the right stationery.

If you have high-quality paper with your company's logo on it, or fancy thank-you cards that can be placed in envelopes, use them. Once again, these small details back up your message and show that thought has gone into your appreciation note.

Final Thoughts:

Everyone likes to be appreciated, and writing an appreciation letter to an employee for outstanding performance is one of the most effective ways to express how you feel about their work. Use our appreciation letter templates to help you get started, or write your own letter highlighting the achievements and positive qualities of one of your employees.


How do I write a letter of appreciation to my employees?

You can download an employee appreciation letter template. When writing a letter of appreciation, be specific, address the employee by name, look to the future, use the right stationery, and sign the letter by hand.

How do you say thank you to your employees?

Just say "thank you." Also, you can write them letters of appreciation to express specific recognition and thanks for tasks or projects that are executed well.

How do you show staff appreciation on a budget?

  • Write them letters of appreciation.
  • Give them flexible schedules.
  • Arrange potlucks.
  • Give them recognition where it is due.
  • Invest in their health.

How do I make my team feel appreciated?

It is always good to write them letters of appreciation to express specific recognition and thanks for tasks or projects that are executed well. You can also address them with kindness, and show that you trust them

What are some tips on writing an employee appreciation letter?

  • Be specific.
  • Address the employee by name.
  • Look to the future.
  • Sign the letter by hand.
  • Use the right stationery.

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