Life Insurance Agent Job Description Template

We are looking for a licensed life insurance agent to join our team. The life insurance agent is responsible for providing advice, conducting intermediary services between the client and the insurance company, and selling life policies that payout when the life insured person dies.

To be a successful life insurance agent, you should provide good customer service by maintaining the existing client base and implementing measures to expand the customer base through active marketing, social media, and other programs. Ultimately, a top-notch life insurance agent will conduct a needs analysis for every client to ensure that the correct products are recommended.

Life Insurance Agent Responsibilities:

  • Provide advice to clients and recommend insurance products.
  • Provide intermediary services between insurance companies and clients.
  • Provide good customer service to maintain and retain clients.
  • Expand customer base.
  • Interview prospective clients to gather data about them.
  • Sell life policies that payout on death.
  • Sell annuities that pay an income at retirement.
  • Analyze the client’s current portfolios and make recommendations.
  • Assist clients during the claims process.
  • Maintain electronic and paper records.

Life Insurance Agent Requirements:

  • Degree or diploma in financial services or related.
  • Must be licensed in the state where you work.
  • Accredited with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
  • Possess excellent communication skills.
  • Display good analytical skills.
  • Provide excellent customer service.
  • Possess excellent selling skills.

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