Loss Prevention Officer Resume Free Template:
Download this Loss Prevention Officer template in Microsoft Word format.
Download NowLoss Prevention Officer Resume Example:
[Your Name]
[Current job title, if applicable]
[Street Address, City, Zip Code]
[Contact number] | [Professional email address] | [LinkedIn profile]
[Briefly discuss the experience, skills, and qualities that make you an excellent loss prevention officer.]
[List any awards / notable achievements relevant to the loss prevention officer position in chronological order.]
- [Bulleted list of key skills relevant to the loss prevention officer position. List 5–10 skills, including both soft and hard skills. Also mention any skills gained through special training.]
(For entry-level positions, include volunteer work related to safety and security here.)
[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Present, Location]
[Brief description of key security duties fulfilled here.]
[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location]
[Brief description of key security duties fulfilled here.]
[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location]
[Brief description of key security duties fulfilled here.]
Licenses & Certifications
[Name of certificate / license, Institution, 20XX]
[Name of certificate / license, Institution, 20XX]
[Name of certificate / license, Institution, 20XX]
(If you’re a student applying for part-time work as a loss prevention officer, include any degrees/diplomas you’re working towards here.)
[School or institution | Location, Month 20XX - Month 20XX]
[Degree / diploma / majors]
[School 2 | Location, Month 20XX - Month 20XX]
[Degree / diploma / majors]
How to Write a Loss Prevention Officer Resume:

In order to create a professional resume, you'll need to follow a step-by-step process. Below, we list our complete guide on how to create an effective loss prevention officer resume.
Start with the basics.
Add your current contact information.

Make sure your contact details are right at the top of the resume, so the recruiter won't miss them. Include your full name, current job title if you're employed, professional email, and LinkedIn profile link. Include your address if the application requires it, but leave it off when applying for out-of-state positions as it might count against you.
Write a summary.

Think of the summary as a cover letter summarized in 2–3 sentences. Experienced candidates could mention specific skills they've cultivated, while entry-level applicants may discuss career objectives and personality traits that make them good prevention loss officers. Team sports and additional languages may give you an edge over other applicants.
Highlight the reasons why you're the ideal candidate.
List achievements or highlights.

This is an optional section when applying for a position as a loss prevention officer. Those who've been in the field for a couple of years may have won awards. If you've achieved a Magpie Award or been recognized for leadership, you'd include it in this section. An excellent theft recovery rate is also something an employer would be interested in.
Add your skillset.

Loss prevention officers should have strong leadership and communication skills, be able to identify thieves in retail stores, write reports, and discreetly apprehend suspects. The ability to run, jump, and walk for extended time periods, is also important. Make sure you have evidence to back these skills and that you'd be able to pass a competency test.
Discuss your experience in security or loss prevention.

Seasoned loss prevention agents or mall security guards should include their top 3 positions, briefly detailing duties fulfilled and skills developed at each job. Candidates new to the field may not have a distinguished record in loss prevention, but could list any security volunteer work.
For example, if you were a security attendant at a high school fair, mention it. Temporary positions as temperature checkers also count. Be sure to mention military service. Include any jobs that highlight leadership and accountability.
Outline your qualifications.
List any licenses or certifications.

Any additional licenses or certifications related to loss prevention such as an Armed Security License, Guard Card, or Security Guard Certification, go here. Self-defense training or completion of a non-lethal weapons training course, can also make your application look more attractive.
Add your qualifications or educational background.

The basic requirements to enter the field of loss prevention is a high school diploma or GED, but students completing bachelor's degrees in criminal justice frequently apply for this entry-level position. If you're majoring in law enforcement, police science, homeland security, corrections, criminology, or a related discipline, include those details here.
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