Political Analyst Job Description Template

We are looking for a driven and experienced political analyst to conduct research and analysis on current policies and political events, and to report on their findings. You should be able to use qualitative and quantitative research methods to develop political theories and forecast political, economic, and social trends.

To be successful in this role you must be passionate about progress in the political sector and implement political change for the betterment of society. You will be a strong communicator and have the ability to analyze, interpret, and report on data effectively, in an unbiased manner.

Political Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Researching political systems, foreign relations, government laws and regulations, and political ideologies and evaluating the effects of these on political, social, and economic spheres.
  • Collecting data from various sources, such as historical documents, public opinion surveys, and election results to develop and test political theories.
  • Using statistical data to analyze and interpret research findings.
  • Forecasting political, economic, and social trends.
  • Formulating reports, presentations, and/or publishing articles on research findings for various stakeholders to review.
  • Monitoring current political events (local and international), policy and legislation changes, and other issues relevant to their work.
  • Staying up to date with local and international political trends and developments.
  • Raising public awareness of political issues.
  • Establishing contacts and sources for future research opportunities.

Political Analyst Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in political science, public administration, or a related field.
  • Proven experience as a political analyst, or in a similar role within a political or government department.
  • Portfolio of work, including published articles.
  • Experience using statistical analysis software and qualitative/quantitative research tools.
  • Excellent analytical and critical thinking skills.
  • Superlative written and verbal communication skills.
  • Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks.
  • Highly organized and detail-oriented.

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