Product Manager Cover Letter - Free Template:

Apply for your next product manager job with this free cover letter template.

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Product Manager Cover Letter Example:

[Full Name]

[Physical Address]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]


[Company Name]

Re: Application for the position of Product Manager

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing in application for the product manager position at [company] as advertised in [where you found the job posting]. My educational background, experience in the field of product management, and goal-driven nature make me the perfect candidate for the job. I know that I would be a valuable addition to your team.

I have a [qualification] from [educational institution] and more than [number of years] years of experience in the [industry] industry. I have worked in several positions managing a specific element of a product's lifecycle, including [list job roles], before being responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of several products. I am adept at creating strategic plans for products and managing their execution, from requirements analysis and QA testing to product launches.

Over the years I have developed an extensive set of skills and continue to actively develop my competencies by taking part in leading industry seminars, workshops, and courses, such as [list seminars/workshops/courses you've recently attended]. I excel at [describe what you do best], with one of the most notable accomplishments of my career being [describe what you accomplished, including outcomes].

Attached is my resume with a detailed account of my competencies, professional experience, and educational background. Please feel free to contact me directly at [telephone number]. I look forward to discussing the position in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your full name]

How to Write a Product Manager Cover Letter:

$0.00 USD
2 Hours
How to Write a Product Manager Cover Letter:

Our complete guide with informative steps on how to create a professional product manager cover letter.


Start with your product manager cover letter.


Add your details, subject line, and address the recipient.

Add your details, subject line, and address the recipient.

Start your letter with your full name and current contact details followed by a subject line that lets the reader know what your letter is in reference to. Before you begin, be sure to research who the recipient of the letter is. You should always address the recipient by name using either their full name or an applicable title and their last name.


Write a short introduction.

Write a short introduction.

Your introductory paragraph should include the reason for your letter, where you heard about the job opening, and a concise statement regarding your suitability for the position. Mention that you have the required skills and experience to excel as a product manager and, given the chance, would be a valuable asset to the company.


Outline your education and experience.

Outline your education and experience.

Mention the degree(s) you obtained and from which institution. Product managers are often expected to have a business administration or management degree but it is not uncommon for candidates to have come from other career paths, such as research or marketing.

Describe some of the tasks and duties you have performed as a product manager. This may include developing a deep understanding of a product's target market, designing a product's roadmap, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and liaising with different stakeholders. Including the industry or type of products you have managed gives the reader a clear idea of where you gained your experience.


Highlight your skills and accomplishments.

Highlight your skills and accomplishments.

Provide a little more insight into your job-specific competencies, such as strategic thinking, negotiating, or managing and coordinating teams. Illustrate your top skills with an accomplishment, such as an innovative strategy you created and executed that culminated in a successful product launch. Include specific outcomes.

If you regularly attend seminars, workshops, or courses to develop your skills and deepen your understanding of your industry and products, cite these as well. This shows the reader that you are passionate and dedicated to your work and advancing your skills.


Close your letter.

Close your letter.

In the closing paragraph, refer the reader to your attached resume and encourage them to reach out to you directly should they require anything further or wish to discuss the position in more detail. Don't forget to thank them for their time and consideration.

Sign off with a formal or semi-formal closing phrase, such as "sincerely" and your full name. If you are sending a hard copy of the letter, leave a space for your handwritten signature above the typed name.

How to Write a Cover Letter

Complete guide that gets you a job interview.


What skills should you mention in a product manager cover letter?

  • Project management.
  • Strategic and analytical thinking.
  • Leadership.
  • Negotiation.

What should be included in a product manager cover letter?

A product manager cover letter should include your details and an overview of your education, experience, and competencies. Include notable achievements that demonstrate your expertise and suitability for the position.

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