Interview Questions for Salesforce Administrators:
1. Can you tell me your steps to remove duplicate data in Salesforce?
Reveals the candidate's knowledge of ensuring optimal Salesforce performance with deduplication procedures.
2. Which approach have you found works the best to train Salesforce end-users?
Assesses the candidate's proficiency and experience in providing end-users with training and support.
3. Can you describe how a recent Salesforce upgrade differed from an older version?
Evaluates the candidate's knowledge and ability to keep up with new Salesforce upgrades.
4. In your experience, which records are important to archive regularly?
Demonstrates whether the candidate is aware of the need to routinely document processes, including error reports and changes to field history tables.
5. How would you motivate staff to embrace a switch to Salesforce?
Highlights the candidate's communication skills and reveals their Salesforce CRM knowledge.