Interview Questions for Security Managers:
1. Can you describe features that effective surveillance equipment should have?
Evaluates the candidate's knowledge of surveillance technology and their ability to keep up with advancements in security solutions.
2. Which steps would you recommend for effective access control?
Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge and experience in performing access control, as well as their ability to implement suitable procedures.
3. What guides your decision-making when appointing new security personnel?
Assesses the candidate's knowledge and experience in screening applicants, as well as their ability to hire suitably skilled and experienced personnel.
4. Can you tell me about a time when you coordinated a response to an incident?
Reveals the candidate's experience and leadership skills, as well as their ability to perform under pressure.
5. Which deterrent and preventatives measures have you implemented?
Highlights the candidate's knowledge of preventative measures aimed at deterring illegal activities.