Thank you letter to employees template

Thank You Letter to Employees Template 1:

Download this thank you letter template to employees for hard work in MS Word format.

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Thank You Letter to Employees Example 1:

[Company Address]

[Company Tel. Number]

[Email Address]


[Name of Recipient]

[Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear [Employee Name],

I sincerely thank you for your dedication and commitment towards the [Provide details about the successful project]. Your work is truly commendable and we appreciate your contribution to [Company Name].

Optional: As a token of appreciation, please find enclosed [Mention details of the gift enclosed].

Once again, I would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication—you are a valued member of our team.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Thank you letter to employees template

Thank You Letter to Employees Template 2:

Download this sample appreciation letter to employees for outstanding performance in MS Word format.

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Thank You Letter to Employees Example 2:

[Company Address]

[Company Tel. Number]

[Email Address]


[Name of Recipient]

[Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear [Employee Name],

As a valued member of my team, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Throughout your tenure at [Company Name], you have stood out as an employee who has never wavered in your commitment to excellence. I admire your strong work ethic and personal integrity.

In particular, I would like to thank you for your work on [briefly describe the recent project]. Employees like you make my work all the more rewarding and enjoyable.


[Your Name]

How to Write a Thank You Letter to Employees:

$0.00 USD
10 Minutes
How to Write a Thank You Letter to Employees:

Writing your employees a thank you letter is a good way of recognizing their efforts and making them feel valued at the company. Follow these steps to write a genuine, heartfelt employee letter.


Add postal and personal information.


Add company information.

Add company information.

Include your company address, telephone number, and email address at the top. Date the letter.


Add employee information.

Add employee information.

Include the employee's name, job title, company name, and company address afterwards.


Complete the body of the letter.


Offer them sincere gratitude.

Offer them sincere gratitude.

Tell them what you liked about the work they did and that you appreciate the commitment and dedication they demonstrate on a daily basis. Go into detail but don't be long-winded. Keep it short and sweet.


Include a gift.

Include a gift.

Go the extra mile by including a gift with your letter. Be sure to mention the gift towards the end of your letter. While this is optional, exceeding expectations is a great way of strengthening employer-employee relationships.

Employee Reward and Recognition Program

A step-by-step guide to developing an employee reward and recognition program.


How do you say thank you to your employees?

Saying it face-to-face is simple and effective, or you can write a thank you letter or letter of appreciation. The extra time spent on a letter can be meaningful to employees.

Why is it important to send a thank you letter to an employee?

A professional thank you letter goes a long way to show that you are thankful for the hard work your employees have put into their jobs every day. Employee recognition is important for morale, and a simple thank you note to staff is an indication that you, as the leader, care about your employees.

When should I send a thank you letter to employees?

You can send a thank you note at any time, but most managers send thank you notes to their staff at the end of a financial year, after they've completed an important project, or have come up with a solution to a challenging task.

What are the reasons to say thank you to employees?

There are many reasons to say thank you to your employees. For example, you could send an appreciation letter to an employee for their hard work. Here are a few more reasons to express gratitude toward your staff.

  • For achieving their goals.
  • For generating new ideas.
  • For finding a solution to a problem.
  • For being a good leader or role model.
  • For making a sale.
  • For securing new business for the company.

What are some employee appreciation quotes?

Here are a few employee appreciation quotes to help inspire your employee appreciation message.

  • "I just wanted to let you know that the things you do for the company do not go unnoticed. You're a necessary piece to this puzzle. I appreciate your dedication and service, and I know others do too."
  • "Thank you for being an essential part of our team."
  • "You have been a valuable member of our team and we appreciate all of the hard work you have put in. Keep it up!"
  • "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." – John F. Kennedy
  • "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." – Michael Jordan

How can you show employees your appreciation?

  1. Celebrate birthdays.
  2. Introduce a cheers for peers program.
  3. Celebrate staff accomplishments for team work.
  4. Introduce creative rewards.
  5. Take staff out for lunch.
  6. Establish a staff appreciation holiday.
  7. Recognize non-work achievements.

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