

Jobs in Beauty


From £30.00 +VAT /post.

Free offer


Post duration

Six weeks.

CV database search

Job ad distribution

Social media promotion

Customer support

Phone and email.


Jobs in Beauty is a specialized job board that stands out for its affordability and seamless access to a niche candidate pool. Offering a CV database, job ad distribution, and access to over 10,000 potential job seekers, Jobs in Beauty helps employers recruit skilled candidates with the required experience needed to excel in this niche field.


  • Job advertisements are visible on the job board for six weeks.
  • Employers can choose between a variety of standard and bulk job posting options.
  • Featured listings appear above search results and are refreshed every seven days.
  • The Standard and Featured plans include access to a CV database, but employers can purchase access separately as well.
  • All job advertisements can include a company logo and a link to the company's official website.
  • With the Standard and Featured plans, Jobs in Beauty offers a £5.00 discount for new customers.
  • Job advertisements are promoted in the E-bulletin, reaching over 10,000 job seekers.
  • Jobs in Beauty distributes job openings to its partner sites and via social media for added exposure.


  • There are no free job posting plans available.
  • The platform is missing a range of advanced hiring tools, including applicant tracking and candidate matching.
  • Jobs in Beauty's bulk job posting plans are limited to three job advertisements.


We were unable to find any online reviews of Jobs in Beauty.




6 Week Standard Advert

£30.00 +VAT

6 Week Featured Advert

£35.00 +VAT

Unlimited Recruiter Package

£125.00 +VAT

Triple Saver 3 x Express Adverts

£55.00 +VAT

Triple Saver 3 x Standard Adverts

£60.00 +VAT

Triple Saver 3 x Featured Adverts

£80.00 +VAT

14-Day CV Search Access

£149.00 +VAT

Jobs in Beauty vs.

Similar to Jobs in Beauty, offers a standard job posting plan with access to a CV database. When it comes to costs, the two competitors are also on a similar price scale. With, it costs £38.00 to post a job ad, while Jobs in Beauty provides multiple plans that begin at £30.00 +VAT per post.

Jobs in Beauty vs. BeautifulJobs:

Unlike BeautifulJobs, Jobs in Beauty lacks multiple advanced hiring tools, such as applicant tracking and bespoke job ad writing services. However, Jobs in Beauty is significantly more affordable than BeautifulJobs, with the former's prices starting at £30.00 +VAT per post. In contrast, BeautifulJobs' plans start at €190.00 per post.

Jobs in Beauty vs. Professional Beauty Jobs:

While the two competitors share similar features, such as social media sharing and employer branding, Professional Beauty Jobs stands out for its more advanced features, which include candidate matching and management tools. That said, Professional Beauty Jobs costs US$199.00 per post, whereas Jobs in Beauty's plans start at £30.00 +VAT per post.

Key Information

Legal Name

Adapts Business Group Ltd.

Founding Date

Apr 30, 2008

Number of Customers




0333 577 3327



How much does it cost to post a job ad on Jobs in Beauty?

Jobs in Beauty's job posting plans start at £30.00 +VAT per post.

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