
Timewise Jobs is no longer operational. This article is for legacy purposes.


Timewise Jobs was a U.K.-based job posting site that connected employers with hourly, flex-time, and remote job seekers throughout a variety of industries, including finance, customer service, and marketing. Used by several well-known companies, the platform was a valuable resource for employers searching for part-time talent.

While Timewise Jobs was more costly than its competitors, such as UK Part Time Jobs and SimplyHired, the platform offered a comprehensive set of hiring services, including premium listings, social media promotion, candidate matching, targeted email job alerts, account managers, and employer branding.


  • Various well-established companies, including MTV, Barclays, and Camden, used Timewise Jobs to find part-time hires.
  • The platform offered a wide range of paid posting plans to suit different budgets and hiring needs.
  • The site received around 44,000 monthly job seeker visits, affording employers great visibility.
  • Vacancies were sent to relevant candidates via targeted email alerts.
  • Employers who posted charity positions received a discounted rate.
  • Timewise Jobs offered discounted bulk job posting packages.
  • The "Premium Listing" option promoted vacancies on the job board's home page and social media channels.
  • The "Shortlisting Service" plan included a shortlist of qualified candidates reviewed by a recruitment consultant.
  • Other packages included fast-fill services, high visibility options, and maximum reach plans.


  • Timewise Jobs did not offer a free job posting package.
  • The platform lacked access to a resume database.
  • The job board was more costly than niche competitors.
  • Listings weren't distributed to other job posting sites.


We were unable to find any online reviews of Timewise Jobs.

Key Information

Legal Name

Timewise Jobs

Founding Date

Apr 01, 2012


63-66 Hatton Garden, 5th Fl., Ste. 23, London EC1N 8LE




020 7633 4444

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