Best Veteran Job Posting Sites:

01. Ex Forces Jobs Network

From £350.00 + VAT /post.

02. Hire a Hero Job Board

Contact for quote.

03. BFRS Job Board

£105.00 +VAT /post.


From £89.00 +VAT /post.

05. Google for Jobs


06. Indeed

Free and paid options.

*Companies may offer discounted rates for monthly, annual, and bulk packages. Non-U.K. clients may be exempt from paying VAT.


What are the best sites for posting ex-military jobs in the U.K.?

What jobs are available for veterans?

Jobs for veterans depend on the skills developed during service. Skilled trades, education, healthcare, engineering, logistics, and criminal justice are all common areas for veterans to find work.

What are some tips for getting better results from job postings for veterans?

  • Ensure that your salary and benefits are in line with market expectations.
  • Your job posting should be written as if your ideal candidate were a customer you're trying to attract.
  • Focus on the things that make your company great to work for and only include the necessary requirements.
  • Use our job posting template to help you.

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