Definition of a Talent Network:

A talent network is an automated platform where interested potential candidates can upload their information and keep informed about new job opportunities. For employers, a talent network is a lead generation strategy for recruiting new employees.

A talent network allows interested candidates to receive communications from the company regarding job opportunities, events, projects, and other career-related information without actually applying for a position at the company.

How does a talent network work?

On a company's career site, the company can offer interested candidates the option to join a talent network. These candidates can then upload their name, contact information, work history, and other information onto the company's database.

Once the candidates are in the talent network, they can be segmented and personalized, and targeted email campaigns with job opportunities can be sent to the different segments. These segments can be created and managed by using recruitment software or candidate relationship management (CRM) software.

Application forms for opting into talent networks should be kept simple. Also, while some employers may take contact information from job applications and automatically add the candidates to their talent networks, opting in should be completely optional for the candidates. This will prevent negative experiences from candidates who may feel like they are being spammed with content they didn't ask for.

How Employers Can Effectively Use a Talent Network:

  • If a candidate applied for a position at your company and wasn't successful for that particular post, but you still found them impressive, ask them to join your talent network so that you can contact them when a more suitable position becomes available.
  • Include a talent network sign-up option on your careers page so that candidates can still easily join your network even if they couldn't find a suitable job opening.
  • Don't only send available job openings to candidates in your talent network. Rather, engage candidates with targeted and personalized content on a weekly or monthly basis to share relevant updates, industry news, hiring tips, and company events.
  • Build positive relationships with the candidates in your talent network by setting aside time to contact them and by responding as soon as possible when they contact you.
  • Review the profiles of your talent network periodically to check for possible matches to vacancies. Contact those candidates personally and encourage them to apply. Just be sure to notify them that you are not offering them the job outright and that others will also be applying.

Benefits of a Talent Network for Employers:

  • Your career page's return on investment will be improved by attracting more candidates, even when you don't have any available vacancies.
  • Your company's branding campaign and the candidate experience will be improved by providing candidates with another option for showing interest in your company when there are no job vacancies.
  • You will have a pool of interested, qualified candidates who are eager to apply for new opportunities.
  • You will receive valuable information on qualified candidates who are interested in your company, which you can then use to fine-tune your hiring process.
  • You will be able to nurture qualified candidates through personalized and targeted communication.
  • You can use customized data fields to gather information on candidates' interests and skills which you can use to strengthen your candidate profiles.

Benefits of a Talent Network for Employees:

  • You'll always be the first to know when a company you want to work for has an available job opening.
  • You'll receive automatic alerts about available job opportunities so you will spend less time on job searching.
  • You'll be able to build a professional network through joining networking events, job fairs, and other events advertised through the talent network.
  • You'll be establishing yourself as an engaged, interested candidate when you join a company's talent network, which will help you to stand out from other applicants.
  • Receiving information about the company will help you to prepare for interview questions such as "what do you know about our company?"
  • The technology used by talent networks will match available opportunities to your skills and experience, helping you to find new careers and opportunities you may not have thought of.
  • You'll get a sense of the company culture and will be able to determine if the company will be the right fit for you.


What is a talent network?

A talent network is an automated platform where interested potential candidates can upload their information and keep informed about new job opportunities. It is a social recruiting method in which employers can stay in contact with potential candidates, attract top talent, and fill vacant job positions quickly.

What is CareerBuilder's Talent Network?

CareerBuilder's Talent Network is a career site builder that will help employers to build a talent community.

What does "join our talent network" mean?

Employers often give potential candidates the option to join their talent network if the candidate is interested in joining the company but there are no available positions that match the candidate's skills. It is a popular lead generation strategy.

What is social sourcing?

Employers can use social sourcing for recruitment purposes to find active and passive candidates through social media, social platforms, and social networks, such as talent networks.

How do you build a talent network?

  • Invite candidates to join your talent network, whether through your career page or by contacting unsuccessful but impressive candidates.
  • Engage candidates through personalized, targeted email campaigns on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • Regularly contact candidates in your talent network to catch up with them and nurture their interest in your company.
  • Regularly review candidate profiles so that you can encourage good matches to apply to your company.

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