
Employers and job seekers use WordPress Jobs at no cost since it is officially affiliated with the open-source WordPress site where everyone can create a website, blog, or app for free.


WordPress Jobs is WordPress's official job site where anyone who wants to recruit talent to help them create or maintain a website, blog, or app via WordPress's open-source technology, can connect with WordPress developers, designers, writers, and more. Employers and WordPress experts can use WordPress Jobs for free.

The platform caters specifically to WordPress-related vacancies, making it a good resource for specific hiring. The site receives between 10 and 15 thousand views each month, with around 8% of the website traffic coming from the U.S. However, the site lacks advanced features such as social media promotion and job board syndication.


  • WordPress Jobs allows employers to post vacancies for free.
  • The platform caters specifically to WordPress-related vacancies or projects.
  • Employers can remotely recruit global WordPress experts full-time or part-time, or for a specific project.
  • Jobs are listed by category, making them easier to find.
  • Employers directly receive applications via email.
  • WordPress Jobs is more affordable than competitors, such as FlexJobs and Krop.
  • Job seekers can filter jobs by job type to easily connect with suitable employers.


  • Job post moderation may delay job posting for up to 24 hours after submission.
  • The platform lacks a resume database of candidates.
  • No candidate management tools or ATS integrations are included.
  • WordPress Jobs lacks job board syndication and an applicant tracking system.


In Quora discussion threads, WordPress Jobs is often mentioned as a good site for WordPress developers to find jobs. WordPress also has a testimonials page with some customer reviews.

WordPress Jobs vs. FlexJobs:

Both WordPress Jobs and FlexJobs connect global WordPress experts with employers. Unlike WordPress, FlexJobs is aimed at remote work across all job sectors. While WordPress is free to use, FlexJobs' paid membership prices start at $399.00 per month, which includes unlimited posts and resume searches.

WordPress Jobs vs. Behance:

While WordPress Jobs has an exclusive focus on WordPress developers, Behance allows employers to hire professionals across all sectors and view their digital portfolios. Both platforms offer a free job posting service, and neither site features applicant tracking tools.

WordPress Jobs vs. LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a well-known social network with various free and paid recruitment options. In comparison, WordPress Jobs is a dedicated site for sourcing Wordpress professionals and is completely free of charge for both job seekers and employers. Of the two, LinkedIn has a richer feature profile, offering applicant tracking tools and employer branding.

Key Information

Legal Name

Automattic Inc.


Matt Mullenweg

Founding Date

Jan 01, 2005


60 29th St., Ste. 343, San Francisco, CA 94110


1 (877) 273-3049



How much does it cost to use Wordpress Jobs?

It's free to post jobs on WordPress Jobs, and WordPress experts can also apply for jobs at no cost.

What are some Wordpress Jobs alternatives?

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